UVA Women's Lacrosse Player Murdered
University of Virginia Men's Lacrosse player George Huguely, was arrested for the Murder of UVA Women's Lacrosse player, Yeardley Love. Huguely has jailed been charged with first degree murder.
Yeardley Love was 22, a member of the UVA Women's lacrosse team, and a fourth-year student at the University of Virginia.

Police said her body was discovered this morning at a 14th St. N..W. apartment.
“She suffered visible physical trauma, however the specific cause of death is undetermined pending an autopsy,”
The victim and the suspect had a past relationship, the police said.
In a statement to the school community, UVA President John Casteen said “this death moves us to deep anguish for the loss of a student of uncommon talent and promise, and we express the University's and our own sympathy for Yeardley's family, teammates, and friends. That she appears now to have been murdered by another student compounds this sense of loss by suggesting that Yeardley died without comfort or consolation from those closest to her.”
“We mourn her death and feel anger on reading that the investigators believe that another student caused it. Like students who have contacted us in the last few minutes, we know no explanation of what appears now to have happened.”
Huguly was an all american lacrosse palyer in high school, when he was a senior he spoke to the Washington Post when the Duke Lacrosse team was suspended.
I sympathize for the team," Huguely said. "They've been scrutinized so hard and no one knows what has happened yet. In this country, you're supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. I think that's the way it should be."
The police are still gathering information about the case, we will try to keep you updated on the situation.